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Carburising Service


Carburizing improves the wear resistance by diffusing carbon into steel and forming carbides with the alloying elements. At Ace Carbo Nitriders we use contemporary practices with extensive digitized instrumentation to execute this process there by delivering properties with high metallurgical standards to the components in Heat Treatment.

Carburizing is a heat treatment process that involves heating iron or steel in a carbon-rich atmosphere to make the metal harder and more wear resistant. It's also known as case hardening.

How It Works

The metal absorbs carbon from a carbon-bearing material like charcoal or carbon monoxide, which hardens the surface of the metal. The metal is then rapidly cooled, usually by quenching it in a liquid, to complete the hardening process.


Carburizing produces a hard surface while maintaining the strength of the interior of the metal. It can be used on a variety of parts, including simple or complex parts, low carbon and alloy steels, and parts that need to be more wear resistant.
Case depth: The depth of carbon diffusion into the metal depends on the temperature and length of the carburizing process. The total case depth is the total distance that carbon has diffused into the metal, while the effective case depth is the distance to a specific hardness.
Distortion: Carburizing can cause some shape distortion due to changes in volume and grain growth, but it produces less distortion than most other metallurgical processes.
Selective carburization: It's possible to selectively carburize only certain areas of a part, which can be useful if machining is required after the treatment.

Typical Materials Used

- Low Carbon Alloy Steels (20MnCr5, 16MnCr5, EN353, SAE 4120, 4820, 8620, 9310, 18CrNiMo7-6, 17CrNiMo7-6 etc)
- Low Carbon Steels (1018, 1117, etc)
- Mild Steel
Case Depth Range: 0.5mm ~ 5.0mm
Size: 1500mm   Maximum Length : 5000mm

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John Doe

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Kerald Bob

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

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